I often see my job as figuratively planting seeds.
As a counselor, I help clients plant "seeds" (ideas, reflections, insights) that may later grow and bloom; they can't grow on their own, though, as seeds need to be continually watered and nurtured. I have come to accept that I may not ever see the blooms but I take comfort in knowing I did my best with with clients and trust that the individual will blossom in their own way when the time is right.
As a parent, my job of planting seeds is to help educate and nurture my kids, and serve as a good role model. I hope I'll see the fruits of my labor sooner than later.
During #covid_19 #socialdistancing I'm trying to remember what seeds I'm planting. What messages am I giving myself, what messages are my kids receiving? How am I continuing to serve clients the best way I can during this time?
Beyond this, I'm literally going to be planting seeds, too. I just got seeds and a few small plants that I can plant with my kids. They'll be helping me research the best ways to plant them, we'll talk about plants and pollination, they'll help care for them, and so on. Hopefully we'll see and enjoy the fruits of our labor in a couple months.
What seeds are you planting?